Last night Anna and I got all dressed up to go to hear the local orchestra throw down on some of my music!
Finding out that you’re having a baby is one of life’s most exciting and amazing blessings, but in our house the excitement is mingled inseparably with fear… you see, Christy gets so sick for months on end during pregnancy and it’s not that having our wonderful kids isn’t worth all that, it’s just a rough season to be staring down the barrel of. Sometimes people ask me, “Does Christy get some morning sickness when she’s pregnant?” and I always say, “Well, it’s morning sickness in the sense that it starts in the morning at about four weeks and goes non-stop till around sixteen weeks.” Sickness and pain can be some of life’s biggest downers because no matter how much you want to feel upbeat and good, you just don’t. I knew as soon as we saw the positive pregnancy test that this was going to be a long and hard road, so I got myself mentally prepared for months of whatever was coming…
It’s so hard to watch someone you love go through the fire, and I guess it’s the craziness of love that brings this on, but there have been so many times that I have longed to take Christy’s sickness on myself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I could handle it any better than she is or anything… I just don’t want her to go through it. But as Aslan says, “You only get your own story.” My goal has been simply to serve and to make it through this season (how ever long) with our heads up on the other side. Simply put, my objective has been survival. I know, I know, we’re supposed to be “more than conquerors” and all that, but hey if I’m being honest, we’re just trying to make it through this one!
Then I got a call from Christy yesterday and she sounded different. I asked her how she was doing and she said she was great… I was a little mystified because, I knew she was sick, but that’s not really what she meant. Then she began to tell me about how she just realized that to simply survive this thing was not enough… that she was going to go crazy that way, so she reached out for the Lord and she said, (and her voice so sweetly broke as she said it) “My Lord has been so tender with me today…” The Fairest Lord Jesus met her where she was and somehow gave her peace about all she was going through… Late last night she said that she wasn’t even going to wish away the sickness because “for some reason He wants me to have this.” I just had to watch, listen and learn as she showed me how we were going to make it through this.
Psalm 55 says this, “But I will call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me…” and then down in verse 22 he says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” Thank you Lord. Thanks for loving my girl so tenderly…
“A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out.” Matthew 12:20
Lee I Love your wonderful wife. You guys are such an inspiration to an old coach.
My poor sweet family. Christy has such a wonderful attitude. I know it's so, very hard.
We are praying for more than survival for you all, and for relief for my sweet girl.
Love you guys,
What a sweet lesson for those of us who are on the other side of having three little ones and still feel like we're in survival mode. Thanks for continuing to reach out to the Lord and sharing your lives with us all.
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