Who Were We Missing?
On Sunday night as kids were leaving church after High School Bible Study, Christy called my cell phone and asked if I was in a room alone. I told her I was and without very much warning, she hung up the phone on me! I was a little baffled, but my heart started beating very quickly because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew what was up… Well a few seconds later my phone buzzed again and when I opened it up I saw that I had a picture message from Christy’s phone. I clicked ‘open’ and there it was… a positive pregnancy test! We were having our third baby!
Now, we didn’t exactly plan on having this baby, but at the same time, whenever Christy and I talked about our family and future, we just couldn’t say that we were totally done with kids. I mean, we love our two girls and couldn’t be happier; but we just weren’t ready to say for sure, “Yeah, this is it for us,” and now we know why… there was one more of us in the plans of God! As soon as I saw that picture message on my phone, I knew by the hammering heart in my chest that the reason we couldn’t decide to be done was because we were still missing someone! And then this feeling overwhelmed me from the top of my head all the way down to my toes: Who were we missing? Who was this new little person going to be? We know who Anna and Norah are, but what will this new face look like? How will this new heart beat? How sweet will it sound when I first hear my four favorite words, “I love you, Daddy” from this new mouth?
Well, we have a long time to wait… we’re only five weeks along, so it’s going to be months and months before I actually get to meet my newest treasure, but it’s already happening… What I mean is, all the DNA is in place for our newest baby and right now cells are rapidly replicating and specializing to put together this brand new person to just the right specifications. Even after the birth there will be change upon change as this unique personality forms and grows. One day we’ll know who this new person is, but until then we wait and love the new baby at every stage…
In Revelation, Jesus says that He will personally give stuff to those who overcome. He says this in chapter 2: “I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.” One day, when I see Jesus face to face, I’m going to finally be the person He’s always had in mind for me to be. On that day I will be the fulfillment of His unique plan in making me and He will give me a new name… one that expresses all that He intended for me. I’m not there yet, but everything I need to grow is in place inside me and everyday I’m changing and become more His. What an incredible thought… that God knows who I’ll be, that He knows who He’s missing in me and that one day I’ll be all He ever wanted me to be. And just like my new baby, even though I’m not there yet, He knows I’m growing and He loves me at every single stage.
I'm so excited for you guys!! Three is wonderful! I hope Christy is feeling well.
Congratulations on the wonderful news! My sister told me you were expecting again and something made me search for you and I came across this blog. Your girls are gorgeous and seem to have endless joy. Christy sounds like the most wonderful mom and wife and is even more beautiful than years ago when I last saw you all. And that's saying a lot. Coming across this has made my day.
Oh how wonderful it is to be anticipating meeting my new niece or nephew! I'm so glad our family won't be missing this new someone.
We are praying for Christy and you all every day for grace, health and strength. Hopefully every day will get a little better.
We love you all sooo much. Just wish we were closer to help!
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